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Art of Chinese Traditional Painting
1 US dollar
Service Description
Chinese Traditional Painting, as known as Inkwash painting, also called literati painting, is type of brush painting of Chinese by using black ink in various concentrations. For centuries, this most prestigious form of Chinese art was practiced by highly educated scholar gentlemen/literati. In now a days, it becomes a popular art form representing the traditional Chinese arts, which can be enjoy by everyone through regular trainings. 中國傳統繪畫,簡稱「水墨畫」,也被稱為「文人畫」,是用不同濃度的水墨及中國毛筆作畫。 在古代,這種中國傳統繪畫藝術形式,只有受過高等教育的學者或儒生雅士們所能享受;但現今,這種享負盛名的藝術已走進大眾的生活中。只要受過訓練,人人皆可舞筆弄墨!

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